First, global fund managers want China to make its quota system for accessing onshore assets more transparent and predictable. 首先,全球基金经理人希望中国提高其在岸资产准入配额体系的透明度和可预测性。
The end of a global quota system for textiles in 2004 has created a boom for Chinese exports, provoking a backlash in European countries and in the US. 全球纺织品配额体系于2004年宣告结束,催生了一波中国出口热潮,这引发了欧洲国家和美国的抵触情绪。
Abolition of global textile quota system in the future, China's textile exports will face a huge challenge. 在全球纺织品配额制度取消以后,我国的纺织品出口贸易将面临巨大的挑战。